Malay Language
Recommended apps for learning
S/N |
Name of App |
App Icon |
Description |
iOS |
Android |
Level |
1. |
Pinta Kata App |
• This engaging app helps to widen their vocabulary |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 1 - 6 |
2. |
Pintar Peribahasa App |
• Learning idioms (Peribahasa) through games |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 3 - 6 |
3. |
Cerita Rakyat Nusantara App by MLCS |
• Compilation of Malay legend for reading practice
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 1 - 3 |
4. |
Lagenda Singapura App |
• Compilation of Malay legends/folklores for reading practice and to widen
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 3 - 4 |
5. |
Kamus Pro App |
• Consists of Kamus Dewan Fourth edition and Malay-English Dewan Dictionary
by DBP
✓ |
Primary 3 - 6 |
6. |
Cari Kata Bahasa Melayu App |
• Increase your word bank |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 5 - 6 |
7. |
Buah Nusantara App |
• A 'Fruit Ninja'-like game that teaches pupils pupils to learn about fruits from the Archipelago region. |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 1 - 3 |
8. |
Belajar Membaca |
• For early readers, with games to suit their learning needs |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 1 - 3 |
9. |
Mari Belajar Membaca – Ank2U App |
• An application that scaffolds reading skills
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 1 - 3 |
10. |
BM Senang Jek! |
• Games on Idioms (Peribahasa)
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 3 - 6 |
11. |
Cambahan Kata |
• Easy to play challenging Malay language word puzzles |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 3 - 6 |
Recommended Malay Language Reading Materials
S/N |
Name |
Icon |
Description |
Level |
1. |
Nabil & Nailah Reader Series |
The Malay Language Learning and Promotional Community has come up with
various story books that a suitable for all levels.
Primary 1 - 6 |
2. |
Antologi Carpen 'Benih' |
Benih is a collection of short stories by teachers. This short collection
features a variety of themes to encourage reading interest among pupils
especially in Primary 5 and 6.
Primary 5 - 6 |
3. |
Cetusan |
Nine schools in Singapore worked together to produce this magazine which
compiles pupil's compositions, grammar notes, articles on culture, drawings
on proverbs and tips to write a good composition.
Primary 1 - 6 |
4. |
Pantun Anak Singapura |
A compilation of Pantun by pupils from various schools in Singapore.
Primary 3 - 4 |
5. |
Berita Harian Singapura |
Malay E-newspaper to catch up with the latest news and happenings in Singapore
and around the world.
Primary 3 - 6 |
Stay Home Edition (Mother Tongue)
Recommended Apps & Websites for the learning of Mother Tonuge
S/N |
Name |
Icon |
Description |
iOS |
Android |
Level |
1. |
NLB Mobile App
• With lots of Mother Tongue books to choose from, download this app to meet your learning needs! |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 1 - 6 |
2. |
Learning Mother Tongue Languages - Duolingo
• You can learn Chinese, Malay, Tamil and other languages with this fun and engaging app. |
✓ |
✓ |
Primary 1 - 6 |