Distinguished Chinese Language Teacher Award 2018
The Distinguished Chinese Language Teacher Award aims to give due recognition to deserving Chinese Language teachers who have shown exemplary efforts towards the teaching of Chinese Language and culture. Congratulations to our Chinese Language Teacher Mdm Li Hongyu for receiving the Distinguished CL Teacher Award 2018.

Sharing at the World Tamil Conference
We are pleased to share that our Tamil Language Teacher, Mdm Nisha was invited to share at the World Tamil Conference on 7 September. She was sharing on the Kolb’s Learning Cycle in SPACE and the perspective-taking strategies. This sharing is made possible because our TL teachers have been thinking hard and working collaboratively to engage our TL learners to love the language and become more competent users.

National Awards for Commendation Medal
The National Awards for Commendation Medal is awarded to public officer who has distinguished himself/herself through commendable performance and conduct, or significant efficiency, competence and devotion to duty. Congratulations to Mrs Esther Chan (ST Maths) and Mr Tan Leng Khoon (HOD PE & CCA) on being awarded this year’s National Awards Awards for Commendation Medal.

Siri Bacaan Nabil Nabilah
We are pleased to share that our Malay Language Subject Head, Mdm Sarifah is one of the book writers for ‘Siri Bacaan Nabil Nabilah’. These P3 & P4 Malay Language books were launched on 8 July 2018 during the Fiesta Bahasa by GOH, Assoc Prof Muhd Faishal.
Caring Teacher Award 2018
The CTA ( Caring Teacher Award ) is organised by the National Institute of Education, Singapore, in partnership with ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, with the support of MOE. 33 of our teachers were put up for this award. It was heart warming to receive so many nominations for our teachers by our pupils and parents. Our teachers show care and concern for the holistic development of their pupils and go the extra mile to ensure their pupils grow up to be confident and independent learners. The winners of CTA 2018 are (from left) Mrs Karin Tan, Miss Haryyanny, Mr Matthew Chua, Mdm Agnes Ang and Mrs Ho-Tan Soon Hui.

Sharing at Building a Culture of Positive Peer Influence for Cyber Wellness (CW) Workshop
We are very pleased to receive from MOE ETD a note of thanks and positive feedback on Mdm Yow Ai Hui and Mdm Noor Azleen’s sharing at a Cyber Wellness workshop on 7 February 2018. The participants have benefitted greatly from their sharing on West View Primary School’s efforts in implementing the CW Student Ambassador structure. The participants found the sharing very relevant and useful in providing them with ideas to implement a CW student ambassador structure. Their engaging and informative sharing has encouraged and inspired the participants to kick-start this effort.
Additionally, the participants were also touched by the sharing by Mohamad Danial Afiq and Muhammad Zhulraiyan from 6 Diligence. It was not easy for students to share in front of a group of teachers and they did it with a lot courage and pride. They did very well as they were able to share their experiences and reflections enthusiastically.