Promoting Social Cohesion 2016
In order to encourage interaction between local students and international students, the International Student Integration (ISI) Section organised a sharing session for Integration Champions (ICs). The sharing session was held at MOE HQ on 28 July 2016. The theme for this year’s session is “Promoting Social Cohesion”.
Ms Zhao Yijin, the teacher in-charge of the International students’ programmes and Mdm Murni, the National Education coordinator, were invited by ISI Section to share our school’s effort to promote social cohesion among the local students and international students.
The participants found our school’s sharing to be very useful. In particular, they were enriched by our school’s approach of collaboration within departments on the integration of international students.
National Primary School Chinese Language Teachers Seminar 2016
To facilitate the implementation of the 2015 Primary Chinese Language syllabus, Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD) and Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL) had jointly organised the National Primary School Chinese Language Teachers Seminar.
As a member of the Pedagogy Core Team, our Chinese Language Teacher Mdm Li Hongyu has explored and experimented with new pedagogy and collaborated with Curriculum Resource Design Officers since June 2015.
We are very honoured to receive an invitation from CPDD for Mdm Li to share her teaching experience in the seminar conducted on 2 June 2016. The seminar aims to provide a platform for lower primary Chinese teachers to connect, share and disseminate good teaching pedagogy and classroom practices.
We thanked Mdm Li for her great enthusiasm and her passion for teaching!

PS21 Star Service Award
Congratulations to our Allied Educator, Ms Sheena for receiving the PS21 Star Service Award!
“It was such a great honor to be invited to the Istana for a tea reception and two days later receive the PS21 Star Service Award from Head of Civil Service, Mr Teo. Beyond the bells and whistles, I am truly blessed to be able to work closely with our stakeholders. A lot of the work that I do revolved around parents and I am a true believer that their partnership with the school is crucial for us to raise pupils with great character and values. In West View Primary School, our partnership has grown over the few years and we have created many projects to build strong bridges that benefits the pupils. It started with the Teachers Day Celebrations to Halloween Parties and Student Hub just to name a few. Besides parents, with the kind of work that I do, other stakeholders that support our pupils include external agencies such as therapists and psychologists outside and within MOE. At the end of the day, I am here to serve and as long as I can, I will do just that and more.”
Ms Sheena

Lesson observation by Overseas Consultant, CL Pedagogy Core Team and MOE Officers
Our school was invited by the Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD) to conduct a Primary 2 Chinese Language lesson on the use of the new instructional materials.
Our Chinese Language teacher, Mdm Li Hongyu, conducted the lesson demonstration on Wednesday, 3rd February 2016. The lesson was observed by 28 officers which comprised of Overseas Consultant, CL Pedagogy Core Team and MOE Officers.
The team of observers commended Mdm Li on her great enthusiasm and passion for teaching. Her good grasp of the passage in the textbook and her ability to skillfully elicited responses from her students was much admired by the observers. The display of vivid expression and enthusiasm by Mdm Li’s pupils was an exemplary representative of the effective use of the 2015 Primary 2 CL curriculum.
We thank CPDD for the opportunity to work together for the benefits of our pupils.