Department Programmes
Inquiry-based Learning of Science @ WVPS
The Primary Science Curriculum seeks to nurture pupils as an inquirer by leveraging on their interest and stimulating their curiosity about themselves and their environment. The main goal is for pupils to have a strong foundation in Science for life, learning, citizenry, and work.
In West View Primary School, we aim to provide every child authentic learning experiences in learning of Science through the three “IN”s - Inspire, Inquire and Innovate. Teachers are the leaders of inquiry in Science learning. They play an important role as facilitators for inquiry learning to take place. Teachers will plan and engage pupils in meaningful learning experiences through the 3C (Capture - Construct - Consolidate) Pedagogical Framework.
Capture – Pupils tap on their prior knowledge to learn new science concepts and make meaningful connections between their prior knowledge and new concepts learnt. Teachers can also arouse pupils’ interest so that the pupils will be more motivated and stay engaged throughout the lesson.
Construct – Pupils will develop their scientific concepts, skills and inculcate attitudes through hands-on learning experiences. Teachers will adopt various questioning strategies to further deepen students’ conceptual understanding and clarify concepts and skills taught through clear explanations.
Consolidate – Pupils will be given opportunities to show their understanding on various platforms. Teachers will design various activities for pupils to apply the scientific concepts and skills in different contexts.