Science in WVPS
Pupils with inquiring minds
To provide pupils with experiences which build on their interest in and stimulate their curiosity about their environment.
Message from HOD Science & ALP
Mdm Efizah Samat
"I believe that the way to learn Science is to engage the curious minds among our children in their quest for continuous learning. In this school, we provide our pupils with the experiences which stimulate their curiosity about the things around and their environment and build on their interest. As children investigate and explore, they will question and wonder, and through discovery, they learn."
Message from LH/ Science
Mr Ho Yeow Lin Peter
"'The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.'" Edward Teller
Through Science education, I believe that pupils will develop the scientific habits of mind and use scientific inquiry to explore new things.
When pupils are curious and question about the things around them, they learn to tackle unfamiliar situations effectively, gather evidence independently and generate their own conclusions and explanations. Through such experiences and over time, they will become the problem solvers of the future."
Science Curriculum
The spirit of scientific inquiry is established on the following integral domains- (1) Knowledge, Understanding and Application, (2) Skills & (3) Processes and (4) Ethics and Attitudes. Our programmes are carefully designed for deep learning to take place amongst the pupils. Pupils are better able to relate and make connections to their social, personal and naturalistic environment, making learning more meaningful.

By the end of Primary 6 at WVPS, pupils should be able to: ·
use basic scientific terms and concepts to help them understand themselves and the world around them
develop skills, habits of mind and attitudes necessary for scientific inquiry