Physical Education & Health in WVPS
A Westviewan is an active sportsperson, physically competent and leading
a healthy lifestyle
To deliver quality and enjoyable PE lessons, anchored with values
Message from HOD Physical Education & Co-Curricular Activities
Mr Tan Leng Khoon
“I firmly believe that well-structured Physical Education (PE) and Co-curriculum are essential in helping students cultivate a diverse range of soft skills and core values. These qualities are pivotal for their success in life. I envision the students of West View Primary as active, health-conscious individuals, who not only embrace a healthy lifestyle but are also passionate about their pursuits and confident in their ability to lead and inspire others.”
Curriculum Framework & Description
Our PE curriculum
offers a diverse range of movement experiences designed to nurture the
holistic development of our students. By focusing on fundamental motor
skills and core values, we lay a solid foundation for learning, active
participation, and the enjoyment of various physical activities and sports.
As pupils refine their movements, they gain confidence in their abilities,
becoming more efficient, effective, and versatile. This progression not
only strengthens their motor skills but also encourages a lifelong commitment
to active, healthy living.