Mother Tongue in WVPS
Competent & Confident Users of Mother Tongue Language with a love for Mother Tongue Culture
We will enthuse the students in learning Mother Tongue so that they will become competent and confident users of the MTL languages. Through the inculcation of values, students will develop a love for MT and appreciate our culture.
To make the learning of Mother Tongue Language an enjoyable experience and encourage children to learn the language to the best of their ability.
Message from HOD Mother Tongue Languages & Innovation
Mdm Lew Yee Loo Michelle
"爱因斯坦说兴趣是最好的老师 , 我们应该以学生的兴趣为导向,努力营造母语学习环境,让他们感受母语的魅力,加强对母语文化的意识。"
Message from SH/ Malay Language & Tamil Language
Mdm Sarifah Hassan
"Children are motivated to better themselves in a supportive and encouraging environment. Every child should have a taste of success and no achievement is too small to be mentioned. I believe teachers should be innovative in their teaching approaches and constantly hone their craft to excite pupils and better engage them in their learning. Through the use of Malay literature, I seek to ignite hope, develop confidence and help pupils to love Malay Language."
Message from ST/ Chinese Language
Mdm Cheng Siew Kim
Message from ST/ Malay Language
Mdm Noor Azleen Binte Sarbini
"Every child is an individual with their own learning style. To me, education is a lifelong journey, and I believe in instilling a love and appreciation for one's mother tongue language and culture through the joy of learning."