English Language in WVPS
Competent & Confident users of the English Language.
To provide an engaging learning environment to develop our pupils into confident and competent users of English Language in speech and writing.
Message from HOD English Language
Mrs Ho-Tan Soon Hui
"Every child is different and has his own potential. As an educator, I believe in encouraging our pupils to focus on their unique strengths to reach their fullest potential.
I am committed to build on a culture of continuous learning and improvement in the school so that teachers can be empowered to fulfil the potential of every child in WVPS."
Message from ST/English Language
Mrs Theseira Cynthia
“Every child can learn and wants to learn. With the right guidance, each child can take ownership of his/her learning and make meaningful progress as a capable and independent learner.”
Curriculum Framework & Description
English Language (EL) is the common language that facilitates bonding among the different ethnic and cultural groups. On the global platform, English Language allows Singaporeans to tap into a knowledge-based economy where it is the main lingua franca of the Internet, of science and technology, and of world trade.
The development of multiple competencies will enable our young to capitalise on the rich opportunities of the digital age, while maintaining a strong foundation in the language. It will allow our students to engage meaningfully and confidently with the wider and more diverse communities both in and out of Singapore.

The above diagram presents the key features of the EL Syllabus undergirded by the principles of EL teaching and learning (CLLIPS) and EL teaching processes (ACOLADE). Drawing on the model of effective teaching in the Singapore Teaching Practice, a pedagogical emphasis on Multiliteracies, Metacognition, and Inquiry through Dialogue in the EL classroom ensures effective and affective language use for all EL learners. The approach to language teaching and learning ensures a firm and rich foundation for all.